Thursday, October 31, 2013

Baby Got Book

Here's a Christian parody of Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back"

Baby Got Book

glossary for non-Christians: 

"bad place": meaning hell or Gehenna
Bill Hybels: Founder & Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church

"chicks that do devos": "Devos" refers to "devotions" or "devotionals" which are times of performing spiritual exercises like private prayer and Bible reading

hades: one of the New Testament Greek words referring to the abode of the dead

"heathen guys": Here "heathen" means a non-Christian

"holy kissing": This is a reference to the Bible verses where the Apostle Paul told the original readers of his letters to greet each other with a "holy kiss" (Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 Thess. 5:26)  

John Wesley: The main founder of the Christian denomination of Methodism

KJV: The King James Version of the Bible also known as the Authorized Version of 1611

Koinonia: This is the New Testament Greek word for "fellowship"

NIV: The New International Version of the Bible

paraphrase: Paraphrases are loose renderings or translations of a statement or document

reborn: This refers to being "born again" which is statement made by Jesus in John 3:3 and 3:7. It is also a phrase especially used by Evangelical Christians
saved: This refers to one's spiritual salvation

Thompson chain:
This is a version of the Bible which is well known for having related Bible references next to Bible verses

"triple 6 thrown down":
This means rejecting evil, or the Devil or the anti-Christ or the Beast because it's a reference to the "666" mentioned in Rev. 13:13

All Things Are Better In Koine

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Soap Song

Humorous song written and sung by Carman based on Soap Operas

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

sung by three Gospel singer greats!

Blessed Assurance

One Day At A Time

sung by Ivan Parker

sung by Lynda Randle

Little Is Much When God Is In It

Take My Life

Holiness, holiness is what I long for
Holiness is what I need
Holiness, holiness is what You want from me

Faithfulness, faithfulness is what I long for
Faithfulness is what I need
Faithfulness, faithfulness is what You want from me

    (So) Take my heart and form it
    Take my mind, transform it
    Take my will, conform it
    To Yours, to Yours, Oh Lord

Righteousness, righteousness is what I long for
Righteousness is what I need
Righteousness, righteousness is what you want from me

    (So) Take my heart and form it
    Take my mind, transform it
    Take my will, conform it
    To Yours, to Yours, Oh Lord