Here's a Christian parody of Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back"
Baby Got Book
glossary for non-Christians:
"bad place": meaning hell or Gehenna
Bill Hybels: Founder & Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church
"chicks that do devos": "Devos" refers to "devotions" or "devotionals" which are times of performing spiritual exercises like private prayer and Bible reading
hades: one of the New Testament Greek words referring to the abode of the dead
"heathen guys": Here "heathen" means a non-Christian
"holy kissing": This is a reference to the Bible verses where the Apostle Paul told the original readers of his letters to greet each other with a "holy kiss" (Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 Thess. 5:26)
John Wesley: The main founder of the Christian denomination of Methodism
KJV: The King James Version of the Bible also known as the Authorized Version of 1611
Koinonia: This is the New Testament Greek word for "fellowship"
NIV: The New International Version of the Bible
paraphrase: Paraphrases are loose renderings or translations of a statement or document
reborn: This refers to being "born again" which is statement made by Jesus in John 3:3 and 3:7. It is also a phrase especially used by Evangelical Christians
saved: This refers to one's spiritual salvation
Thompson chain: This is a version of the Bible which is well known for having related Bible references next to Bible verses
"triple 6 thrown down": This means rejecting evil, or the Devil or the anti-Christ or the Beast because it's a reference to the "666" mentioned in Rev. 13:13
Thompson chain: This is a version of the Bible which is well known for having related Bible references next to Bible verses
"triple 6 thrown down": This means rejecting evil, or the Devil or the anti-Christ or the Beast because it's a reference to the "666" mentioned in Rev. 13:13